
My musical journey!

I started playing music to get attention. Even now it’s out there to grab a little attention. I was able to monetize this attention that I received. I have played in some of the best bands according to my standards. The God of music has blessed me with many things materialistic and for my soul.  Now my pursuit is for its knowledge. I need to know why  we are drawn to it. I need ti know why this works or don’t. Ineed to get better at reading musical rhythms as I play the correct notes. I need to be a good teacher. This drives me and motivates me to play. I also have the responsibility of sharing this knowledge with my students, especially Natalia. I’m gonna take a deep dive into the world of music! 


Growth happens when you suffer and survive. Life throws a lot of painful arrows at you. You need to be resilient to face them. It could be health, wealth, family or even some other external calamity that will bring you down. Suffering and surviving will build metaphorical calluses in your brain. So suffer and survive, then THRIVE! 

Paisa wise and rupee foolish

We bargain for small things like eggs, groceries and fruits. We also argue a lot with the newspaper collector for increasing 10 rupees. Whereas, we are ready to put up with the market chains and seldom bargain with them, where we are looted for thousands. We don’t take care of our home and things because, convenience. This cascades to more losses. We are programmed to be paisa wise and rupee foolish! 

Walk in the park

Natalia has her exams going on. She comes back at around lunch time. We learn spellings, multiplication tables music and also walk in the park almost everyday when I have a lot of free time.  Today she ran, fell, scraped her knee a little. I got her back home and applied dettol and bandaid. This took me back to my childhood when I craved for bandaids. She wore the bandaid on her knee like a badge of honour.  May we all be courageous to not be afraid to fall and get up again and wear our scars as the badge of honour. 


Imagine you had God like powers. You can obtain anything you need! Anything materialistic is yours. When you have it all, does it motivate you to get up and work? You would be bored if you had everything in the world and things only worked your way. You need the chaos, the failures, the insecurities to get that drive that pushes you forward. 


Slangs are obtained through enculturation. Thanks to the internet we have a global understanding of short-language, in short, slang. I realised not everyone can understand slang unless they are culturally and socially introduced to it. It takes time to spread. Some slangs stay for ever, some just withdraw like a wave at the beach. I think it’s a wonderful way to express yourself but is considered informal. 

Another Saturday

Yet another Saturday, today and I was not feeling it. I didn’t  feel like doing anything. I dragged myself to settle for a breakfast serving of guava and bananas. I sat with my niece to revise mathematics. She was not having a good day either. She had too much studies already. So I decided to brighten it up. I took her shoe shopping to PUMA store, I picked something and she wanted a blue pair that was slightly cheaper than what I had selected (so yay), on our way back we bought pizza and choco lava cake.  She wanted to wear her walking shoes to the park, so off we went. She returned to cartoons while I bathed Toffee. I have a lot more to do. And here goes another Saturday!