
Robert Kiyosaki

I was introduced to him though his book rich dad poor dad. The biggest take away for me was his view about assets and liability. I always thought a car or a house was an asset. But soon realized, it only took money away from me. It definitely made work easier for some but at an expense. This book failed in giving me a practical step by step method to follow in wealth building. Robert continues promoting his concepts form the book online and through his courses. But he only points finger at the system that programmed us, never giving a practical solution. Like he says “question everything”!

Fungus on the ceiling

 My parents kitchen had black fungus on the ceiling! We were worried it was due to some leak in the roof. Apparently this was because of condensed steam settling on the ceiling providing the best living conditions for fungus to thrive. I ordered chorine pellets and wiped the kitchen ceiling. Looks like chlorine inhibits fungal growth. 


Why travel? It opens your mind. You are exposed to people and places that are different, and you always bring back some lesson from these places. I have learnt about hard work from my cousin in law during my travels in Kerala (maybe this is another post) I have learnt about organization from a fisherman at Gokarna. I have had the priceless fun and great memories from these travels.  How to travel? Save up! Saving a mere ₹100 everyday is sufficient to have a decent amount after a year. You will have about ₹36500 after a year. This is more than enough for a week long trip to Nepal I’m told.  Where to travel? Travel to places close by. Know your surroundings, and then extend your travel radius from there. 

Wrist update.

 My wrist is healing well but it doesn’t feel the same. It took some impact a few days ago. I have been giving it some attention with warm water, ayurvedic oils and some crepe bandage. I managed, to finish recording a song for church, gardening, cleaning with one hand! Can’t wait for the other  to be fully functional so I can play some guitar. 

Shh.. silence

Their words can never hurt me. My words can never hurt them!  But, her silence did! 


We good a new composter to process the kitchen waste. All organic content can be converted to soil. This soil can be the used to nourish the plants and my fruit trees. Some problems I’m overseeing are rodents and ants. Must find a solution to this. 


I had a fall last night while parking my bike, used my left hand to cushion my fall! Bad idea! I couldn’t sleep all night, because it hurt like a biscuit! I wonder how I’ll do my chores and record music for church!