
Finished the New Testament

Being a Christian, I’ve never read the Bible in its entirety. I have been reading Bible everyday to achieve this goal. Sometimes I get profound answers from the passages and sometimes it’s just mindless reading just to get through it. I started with Genesis and I plan to read the Old Testament now! Let’s do this! 

New pickup

 I installed Evo 2 near the ibanez bridge pickup. I’m yet to test it out, it sounded really loud in Soundglitz. Thanks to Akhai for setting up ur floyd rose bridge and installing pickup! Now to play some metal! 

Bike servicing

My Activa went for a major service. The carburetor needs to be changed, the break plates needs to be changed. Fixing it for ₹6000 will help me run it for a year or two without needing to upgrade to a new bike I’m hoping! 

Meeting Jayanth uncle and Helen aunty

I met uncle and aunty today! We spoke about their younger days and how the place has changed! The entire area was paddy field once up on a time. We also spoke about homeopathy and how it’s all changed now. Even the price of things. Quite a delightful evening. 

Blood tests

I’m very much afraid of the outcome of these blood tests. Something is always wrong and we are always asked to maintain some range set for the average population. What if I’m not average? Aren’t we all individually different with our own allergies and food preferences? 

3 Things

3 things I want to add to my routine everyday for atleast 20 minutes.  1. Clean everyday even something small.  2. Learn music  3. Read 

Really Super!

If you ask me anytime about how my life is going, I’m gonna respond “Really Super! Touch wood”. I learnt this from Kirtana. She’s the most positive person I’ve met. Never seen her complain or being rude to anyone. She’s a presence that you want around! She’s always positive!