
Missing home

I miss home after moving here only because I have lost my routine. I had a time assigned to everything. Can’t wait to get back to it again.  


 Last night I was invited to a BBQ party thrown by niece Sneha and her husband Abin. The food was awesome. The best part of it was shrimp wrapped in lettuce with grated cheese and a drop of lemon. The fresh shrimp tasted different in a good way. Must eat fish near the coast. 

Fruit fast

I’m on a fruit fast till about 3:00 pm today. I’m surprised that I had the energy to work out and more even though I was just on water. I’m hoping to see the so claimed benefits of fasting. 

Seven Days by Sting

I heard Tony cover this song, yesterday on Instagram. He had arranged all the instruments and also sang it like Sting. There was a strange familiarity in this track, maybe I’ve heard it before. Loved the drumming and the guitar swells in the track. The chorus he literally says all the seven days of the week, quite an interesting song! 

Lose with dignity

Did we invent games because we became peaceful from being savages fighting different tribes? Maybe we came to an agreement that killing each other was bad and we can have the glory by selecting best amongst ourselves and put them against opponents from other tribes, states and countries. Even online games are great, to fight side by side with our clans and clash with others.  Everything, these days are  a race, to win. Instead, we should just play the game with full involvement and even take the loss, with all dignity, to a worthier opponent. 

Making the ground

I dug another pit for my cousin to plant a coconut tree. It was tiring, especially because it gets hot here in Kerala. Also I had to use a pick axe instead of a rod to dig. New tools, new learnings, breaking into sweats sooner. It’s a good day!

Summer Rain

The air seemed heavy  The land was hot  Water fell from the sky  Sizzled the brown land A certain warmth was felt  Just like mamma’s cuddles  The bright sky was now a please tell dull  and petrichor filled the air.