

Can’t sleep  Not by choice,  A mosquito woke me up.  It buzzed around my right ear, Then settled on my left.  And again panned to my right.  My hands found the electric bat. It was all over with a zap I was proud,  I did it with the lights off, lying down.  Alas, Im awake again,  Not by choice, This time,  It’s the dogs outside. 

Killing the ants

I noticed the ant colony growing in my garden and had to use the Hit spray on them. It was getting out of hand, we would lose all the fruits as the ant aphid combo was attacking the leaves and stem around the flowers. So I hit them with Hit. But my problems are far from gone. There’s just too many of them. 


 My backyard is shaping up real nice. Spending a few minutes digging around the trees are showing results. What’s saddening is the ants bringing in the aphids. They work symbiotically, in the end the plant is destroyed. I really don’t feel like using pesticides!  Anyway, it’s a privilege to work in the backyard!


I bought 3 bottles from decathlon and the challenge is to finish these before the day ends. Makes me pee a lot but gotta get used to it. My plants need water. So do I! Drink water. Hydrate. 

Niece, update.

The surgery was successful, and we took her right on time according to doctors. She will have to be on soft foods for a couple of days and then it’s alright. The worrisome part is them  getting infected at the hospital with corona. Fingers crossed. 

Niece admitted in hospital

Yesterday, my niece was complaining of stomach pain and I saw how she went from a very active kid to being reduced to curling up on bed. Usually she accompanies me to the backyard where we do some gardening, we thought she may be getting one of those asthma attacks. She had to be taken to the hospital as the abdominal pain got worse.  She was diagnosed with appendicitis, she will have a surgery today. Just praying for complete healing. 

Learning music

There’s a lot more to learn and understand about music. I’m beginning to enjoy the headache that comes with it. It’s quite uncomfortable not knowing what you are playing especially  reading music which has crazy subdivisions of time. You need to be one with the music and be in the mental space of meditation to do this effectively. I’ve been enjoying this. I saved classical music for prison (meant as a joke, boy you should see people when I tell them this). No better prison to start this journey than the “lockdown”. I’ll find time. I just know it.