
Writing down reminders

I went to the bakery yesterday to order a cake for my nephew’s birthday. The shop keeper was only interested in getting the advance paid to his account, also he had a lot of buyers crowding around. After making the payment, he lifted his thumbs to show he received it and continued with his work. He did not bother asking what cake I wanted and other details. So, I waited and insisted he wrote it down and I really didn’t want to take a risk again, as another baker had messed up the order earlier. So maintaining a book/app with reminders can help quite a bit in getting more organized and will free you from anxiety. 

Playing with the cards in your hand

We are all given different advantages and some disadvantages in life. We get carried away with the disadvantages and it can weigh you down. The soliton is to embrace the disadvantage and accept it. May be you have an underlying health issue, and you can’t do anything about it. Try your best to overcome this and let it not affect the other advantages and opportunities you get. You don’t have to stand out. Just play the game. You win some. You lose some. In the end you die. It only matters how you played the game with the bad cards you had. Fight a good fight! 

Ask and you will recieve

Anything I have wanted I have it only because I believed I will have it someday. But there’s more to this. I had to ask for something till I got it. Keep asking, keep seeking until you get or find what you want. Be consistent, relentless and you will finally achieve this. 

My students win!

Three of my students bagged all the instrumental music prizes from Antony Claret School. This is indeed a proud moment for me. But the credit should entirely go to Ivan, Nathan, who came 1st, 2nd and Joshua who won the consolation prize. The winner Ivan has very supportive parents, they provide everything he needs. He is the only student of mine, from India with a piano at home. The three of them also have parents who has disciplined them to have a practice routine. 


Fear within Can destroy  Fear of pain  Can destroy  Fear of fear  Is death 

I am 13493 days old!

I have lived 13493 days! And it’s been a long time. I’m so grateful for the opportunities and challenges in my life that has made me into what I am today. This year is almost coming to an end and it has been a productive and life changing year for me and some of my friends.  Cheers to more days to come! Bring it!


 I had a long day yesterday, driving around, planning and setting up a makeshift kennel, a kinda busy day. Then it hit me, I felt so very tired at 6:00 pm, I just wanted to crash! I played through the carols and overate everything, was careful to avoid cakes. As soon as I came back home I just almost fainted into my dreams.