
Global Guitar Gita 2021

Today is the last day to submit the entries to GGG 2021. I’ve been working on it, and today I’ll record the two videos that will be submitted. Durga, my student who is also participating has already submitted her entry!  This is a great opportunity to meet and interact with guitarists around the globe. Also this event is judged by Konarak Reddy, Julia Lange and Antoine Boyer. I’m looking forward to the guitar workshops they bring and I have also volunteered to help out with the event. 


Pineapple! Who ever discovered that this spiny fruit can be eaten deserves their name to be on the books.  I remember eating this the first time at my dad’s family home. It wasn’t sweet as I would’ve liked it. It made my tongue itchy.  After we moved to Bangalore, I noticed the pineapples sold here were more yellow than the ones we got in Kerala and they served it with salt and chili powder. The combo worked! It was sweet, tangy, salty and spicy!! Perfect.

Ultimate reward!

I stayed off red meat and chicken for 3 weeks and I had chicken today! I was able to resist the temptation of craving meat for 3 weeks and todays lunch was the ultimate reward!  Sticking to the duet plan and staying consistent was hard but in the end of it all it was quite rewarding. Maybe I’ll come up with another challenge again. And that must be waking up at 5 am!  Let’s do it! 


He enjoyed solving the problems in the math text book but needed constant reminders to do his assignments. Tv and Freefire took away his time. And gradually he lost interest in studying.  His dad paid for his “engineering seat” in the reputed HRSA college. He didn’t have basic math skills to even think of solving the engineering math problems. He dropped out of college.   Years later, he saw his peers in good working environments. Many were getting cars and getting married. But he was just jobless living with his parents.  He blamed his parents for not teaching him well. He blamed his teachers, friends and colleagues for what he became. A failure. 

I failed to wake up early

I failed to wake up again. My 6:00 am students cancelled classes and I just couldn’t sleep last night. My sleep cycle must be all over the place, must get that in sync.  I went to bed early, lights off, no devices and still I was awake till 1:00. I ended up watching Red Notice on Netflix! Let’s see what can be done. I have classes till 11:00 pm tonight, and  I’m going to a Taaq concert at Christ college tomorrow. Need enough sleep. 

Difficulty waking up early

I want to start my day early after waking up, but I end up staying in bed and sleeping in, thanks to the extreme cold weather! Tomorrow, I’m going to wake up at 5:00 am. This can only happen if I sleep early! I will need at least 7 hours of sleep. That means sleeping at 10:00 pm  Let’s see how productive my day gets! 

Davangere Benne Dose

This one I had today, was perfect for my palette! Crispy, yet soft and melt in the mouth coupled with fresh coconut white chutney, washed down with a cup of tea! I didn’t like the peanut chutney.  Caution, they add generous amount of butter while cooking and after so make your food choices wisely!